As I leave Ithaca right now I am contemplating this whirlwind that I have just been through. What the hell was the last three months of my life? Definitely, nothing short of incredible. I have only two papers standing between me and my first year f business school.
- Right now I am on the bus to NYC because I’m flying to Japan on Sunday and I’m just recapping this whole year thinking about random thoughts. Here are some:
- Wow, I can’t believe that my close group of friends are all doing finance related jobs and I’m the odd man out. Wow – keeping up with the Joneses will be tough for me in the future! I welcome the challenge though.
- Back in February one of my classmates had a friend who came up to visit. His friend was accepted to Johnson and one of our peer schools. I wonder where he ultimately decided to go. I hope it’s here, but if he wasn’t a FIT then I hope it’s not here!
- I wonder what life will be like during the summer (for many reasons which I will speak about at a later date)
- I can’t believe that for my 30th birthday I had 22 of my best friends here at school, on a Party Bus going to a Gay Club in Rochester. The bus consisted of 4 gays, 4 girls, and 14 straight men. We all had a blast to say the least! Many of the events from that night shan’t be recounted but it was a fun time!
- I’m sooo excited for the incoming class!!!! They have no idea what they’re in for even though we’ve tried to tell them many times. But the same thing happened to us last year. Still surreal that I can say “Last Year”
- Um Core What? What is that?!? How soon we forget what it was like to be going through the Core! I did see a post from a HS friend of mine who is going to Stern PT who said something about unlevered beta on Facebook today. Her exact quote was, “I Levered and Unlevered the $hit out of that Beta on my exam.” I responded with, “I now understand what you mean by that! #ThankYouBusinessSchool”
- I wonder how lost we will all be when we are not together in the summer. It’s been an incredibly fun run!
- I’m so glad I was not in that car ride with Demetri and Kristin with their UNTZ UNTZ music! That would have definitely been a hot mess and a half.
- I didn’t do nearly enough bowling this year. I can’t wait to be in the league next year! Team #Domination!