Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I miss my investment banker classmates

For those of you guys who are interested in interning in Investment Banking - I feel for you!  Only a little bit though and here's why.  The HOURS ARE BRUTAL during the Summer at least.  My friends who are interning in banking work a crap load of hours.  I definitely miss hanging out with them and in the beginning of the summer I would text them later and later to see if they were free.  They were not free!  Now, I don't even really text them to see if they can come out.  My text messages now are more like "I miss you!  I understand that you're grinding it out at work EVEN AT THIS HOUR, but I just wanted to remind you that I am thinking about you."

The way I think of the banking life may be different from what it is really.  Up until a couple of weeks ago, I didn't even want to text them during the day because I didn't think that they were even allowed to check their phones at their desks hahaah.  I'm sure it's not THAT bad because I do get responses from them when I do text during the day, but I just know that they work an insane amount.  Before business school I would think to myself "I COULD DO THAT FOR $XXX,000/YEAR) but after a year of B-school and having a better understanding of what they're going through, I know that I couldn't do it even for that amount of money.

Speaking of money - something that I haven't really talked about that much lately - let's just say that I have a new reality in terms of the amount of $ I should believe I should make.  I'll leave it at that.

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