Sunday, June 12, 2011

To My MLT Family

To my frequent blog readers this blog post may seem foreign and out of place, but it's dedicated to my new MLT family that you've read so much about on my blog.  If you remember back a couple of weeks I was nominated to be a part of MLT and after spending five days with these folks at the culmination of the year they've day, I need to write an open letter thanking them.

To My MLT Family,

I honestly don't even know where to start this letter.  I'm sure I should write an introduction and then add some supporting paragraphs and then sum everything up with a conclusion, but in all honesty it probably will not happen that way.  But at the end of this letter to all of you I hope you get a sense for what MLT has meant to me throughout this hectic process as an initial NYC outsider looking in.

When I started this whole business school process I didn't know ANYONE who had an MBA, so I started blindly and had no idea what I was really embarking upon.  It's interesting because I have felt a part of the MLT family this whole time because I've become close with so many of you this year.

The words that were spoken about the program and the newly found friends on Saturday definitely hit home for me!  The support that I have received from MLT tertiarily (yes I made that word up) has been invaluable and I can remember each day that I met all of you and can speak to how much you've helped me throughout this process.  You have all been my support network and I do not think I would have been able to be gearing up to go off to business school without your help.  

Two years ago I was not even thinking about an MBA and did not know how many people who looked like me were actually successful in getting acceptance.  I did not know that I was capable of doing it, but I was constantly reminded that by my MLT friends that yes... you can do it, but more importantly.... YES, YOU ARE WORTHY.  I needed to hear that at every moment that someone told me that because I was beaten down time and time again.

The constant reminder that I could do it and that I was worthy of doing it was not taken lightly.  I cannot stress the help that I've received from everyone in MLT prior to being a nominee.  We all know that the application process is the most grueling thing ever.  GMAT prep what? yeah never again thankfully... 3am essay edits and mock interviews?  Thank god that's over in the context of b-school applications.  I remember talking to Jessica online on January 5th, the day that the Consortium application was due, and when I hit submit I told her that I was crying.  I did not cry a month after when I got the acceptance call, but yes, I did cry when I hit submit sitting at my desk because I, like everyone else, poured my heart an soul into getting to that juncture.

Many of you have been a source of therapeutic relief for me and I definitely would not have been able to feel the sheer joy of getting through the application process without many of you, even if you don't know who you are.  Hearing about amazing things that were being achieved and R1 school acceptances gave me confidence that I too could do it.

This past weekend gave me much needed confidence as I prepare to head off to Johnson. I'm glad that I was able to make new friends and nurture relationships with old ones because  you guys are truly an amazing group of people.  I keep saying that I'm humbled and honored to be a part of MLT now.  After meeting so many of you at various information sessions and diversity weekends I'm amazed at how my life has been affected by all of you.

The friends I've made throughout this process are, without a doubt, lifelong friends.  Even prior to this week I have been welcomed with open arms by everyone I've met in MLT.  The qualities that have been displayed by you guys are a testament to the type of organization that MLT is.  To give yourselves to me without asking for anything in return is incredible.  A couple of days after my acceptance I emailed my contact at Johnson to ask "How do I get nominated for MLT?"  I'm not sure how many other people did that but I knew that I needed to be a part of this great organization.  So I thank you all for being an amazing group of folks.  I know that you've been an inspiration to me and other people with whom you've come in contact with over the year.

I know I'll see a lot of you in a couple of weeks at OP.  So with that I'll say... HERE'S TO BEING SCRAPPY

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