Thursday, June 16, 2011

Reality Check

Earlier today I decided to see what I was doing at this time last year and BOY how the tables have turned!  On June 15th of last year I was finding it increasingly hard to start studying AGAIN for the GMAT.  This is the post I'm referring too:  Ugh I Knew this would happen!  I don't remember that day like it was yesterday but I do remember the experience since it's still quite recent.  I "hated" the summer last year and could not wait to be in the position that I'm in today.  I'm thankful that I poured my heart and soul into the process because life now is just as hectic as it was last year.  It's just a different type of hectic now.

I'm not going to type out the laundry list of things that I have to accomplish because I think I've already done that in a previous post.  But this hectic(ocity) is welcome!  I enjoy the stress that I'm under now and when it starts to get overwhelming, and my friends can attest to this, I say "Hey...if I could weather the stress from last year, I can definitely get through this pre-mba stuff.

Now as this upcoming year's essay questions start coming out, I see the stress that the new batch of applicants is going through.  In a perfect world I would say that I feel sorry for you, but think of it as a barrier to entry that can be weathered.  Trust me... it CAN be weathered.  Embrace the process because you can make it somewhat fun if you remove yourself from your "normal" life.  No not everyone does that but you know if you're the type of person who needs to do it in order to be successful.  I was the type of person who needed to do that...and I recognized I did that.

I now have incredible friends who inspire me every day.  No my friends are not just the ones who will be going to school with me.  Yes I have become incredibly close with many of my soon to be classmates, but I'm talking about the ones who went through the process along with me.  It's funny because we say that we are all going to school together but just in different locations.  That's really what it feels like.  I now have true friends at Tuck, Duke, Kellogg, NYU, Columbia, Georgetown (sup Cory), HBS, Stanford, Haas... etc you name it.  A couple weeks ago I was just at a Tuckie's going away party here in the city (Hi Ashley)...  and then my friend whom I met at the Reaching Out Conference back in October (who is also going to Tuck) showed up too!  He also now works a block from me so we met up for lunch one day and will do it again in the near future.

I'll be flying with a bunch of Tuckies and Sternies to the Consortium Orientation Program next week...That's going to be a blast!  No not the flight because it's at 6:05AM but just the week in general.  I'm sure I'll see 80% of the folks who I was just with last week too.  Needless to say I'm very grateful for where I have come from and how I didn't know ANYONE who had an MBA to now where I'd say that most of my friends are on the same path as I am.  It's very exciting!

I do want to make a post speaking to the new group of applicants who will be applying this application season because they need a dose of reality.  Now I can be blunt... no nothing mean.. just simple things like "If you're GPA is a 3.4 that's not considered low" and "A 720 GMAT score is not a bad score" and "Don't tell people who you are reaching out too, what your safety school is."  You know... the "little" things that go a loooong way and leave people with a certain impression about you.

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