Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer Internship

Hello everyone.  Okay first thing first - obey your thirst!  Okay that's not really what I wanted to say, but it sort of rolled off of my finger tips.  I know I have yet to post pictures from my trip to Japan and Korea, but that is still on the docket.  I want this post to be the first official post about my summer internship.

It's hard to imagine that just last year around this time I was coordinating meet-ups with my new classmates here in NYC.  It's amazing to see that the incoming class is now doing the same thing.  SHOUT OUT TO ALL THE INCOMING JOHNSON CLASS!  In any event, while they're busy buying laptops and doing MBA math, I'm busy working at my internship.

I did land back in NYC after a grueling recruiting process.  I'll leave all of the recruiting details for my book (thinking about it) but let's just say that recruiting is a bitch!  Especially when you find yourself in the predicament that I did in May.

Without going into all of the details here is the long and short of it.
- Had an offer in March
- Offer fell through
- Was thrown back into the recruiting process
- Sent resumes out all over
- FInished 1st year "technically" and was headed off to Japan & Korea, didn't have an internship settled down yet.
- Was in Korea and had Skype interviews with the East Coast.
- Got the offer from one of those companies.
- Accepted the offer from one of those companies.
- Started working at Craft Coffee on June 4th.

What is Craft Coffee you ask?  Well here, just go to the website and see for yourself


The company is a VC backed start-up that operates out of the General Assembly in the Flatiron district in NYC.  THe next question I'm usually asked is "What is the General Assembly?"  The best that I can describe it is a co-habitating working space for a bunch of start-ups.  It can definitely be likened to a start-up incubator and/or accelerator.  The General Assembly does not take an equity stake in the companies that are a part of it like an incubator would. Nonetheless, I believe all of the start-ups are funded.

Here is the link to the General Assembly website if you'd like to know more about it.  http://www.GeneralAssemb.ly

Other than being able to network with like-minded individuals the General Assembly (GA) provides classes that GA members can take as well as fireside chats with industry folk.  I just signed up for a class about iOS iphone & ipad applications.  The class is tomorrow evening after the work day, so I'm looking forward to that.

Okay enough background about all that... I haven't said what I am doing for Craft Coffee.  Well...I'm in charge of Customer Acquisitions.  (CLICK HERE FOR A SIDESTORY)  I enjoy what I do on a daily basis because I'm using the skills learned during my 1st year and applying them to my current job.  It's interesting going through the Core and wondering "When will I ever need to know how to do this stuff?"  Well, for me... the answer is RIGHT NOW.  On Day 1 I started working on something that directly correlated to my first two weeks of business school.

I also know that if I were to get stuck with something, I could simply post in our Johnson Class of 2013 FB group that I needed help and I would get 5-10 people respond to me within a couple of hours offering assistance.  Every time this occurs in the FB group the person initiating the post concludes with "I LOVE OUR CLASS!"  That's a great thing about our class is that if one of us doesn't know something - there is only 1 degree of separation to someone who does know and all it takes is a friendly reminder that "Hey... so and so did that" or "Hey...so and so is working on something similar."  We definitely have each others backs!

So with that I'm going to finish this post and then write another one that is the sidestory mentioned above.


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