Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kaplan Information Session: NYU, Insead, Cornell, Columbia

Hola folks...  

So in my last post I mentioned that I was going to an MBA info session at the Kaplan center... the address is something like 888 7th avenue, and I started walking the wrong way out of the subway... so then I'm looking at the street addresses and I automatically start trying to decipher whether each address on this particular block was a Prime number.  It reminded me of the matrix and how they saw things differently...

That's the end of that introduction because I have a very long post today, but it's a good one... 

Like I said I went to this event and the participating schools were Insead (comparable to Harvard), NYU, Cornell, and Columbia.  I must say that I was very very impressed with all comments made by the Insead rep.  I can definitely tell why they are one of two top business schools in the world!

On, I posted these notes but I didn't add my story and thoughts to them... since this is MY forum I will do so...  read... set...... GO!

The questions asked by the moderator are bolded...
Why get an MBA?
NYU - people want to make a move in their career and need additional coursework. People want to expand their network.

My Thoughts - it's amazing how true this is for me... I feel that I'm reaching that glass ceiling in my career where I cannot make a move up.  *remind me in a couple weeks to elaborate on this* I cannot do so now... I do feel that in order for me to become the CMO of a .com I need to have a knowledge of how Finance, Marketing, Production, Accounting, etc all tie in together.  I could get into one of my essays but I shan't.  Sidenote - I LOVE saying "I Shan't"... I died when Emily said it in Devil Wears Prada (my all time favorite movie followed by The Hangover).  If you don't remember, Emily said it to Andy when Andy was running out of the office to go to get Miranda's steak.  Andy - "Wish me luck!"  Emily - "No.. Shan't" anyway I digressed A LOT ;-) remember THAT from the previous post?

Because of the economic downturn? How do you evaluate your MBA candidates?
Columbia - we look for students who are resilient. Many people come into MBA program thinking one thing, but the realization is that they have to be prepared to take another route if needbe.

Random comment made - Make sure on your resume you are focusing on "What is the school looking for and how do I fit into their mission?" "How do I compliment their needs?" 

My Thoughts - this is UBER important... i'm glad the comment was made just to drive home this fact to me.  I think this is where a lot of people go wrong in their essays.  They don't SHOW how they fit into a program and compliment it's mission.  Why would say... Dartmouth want to admit someone who has great stats but likes being in a big city and doesn't like to be in a small program?  Just because it's a phenomenal school?  Blah they don't need you... they have many applications to go through.
When is the right time to go to B-school?
Cornell - When you feel that you're not learning as much as you could be and/or you're not being challenged in your current line of work.
Cornell - When you are able to explain your achievements and accomplishments otherwise you are not ready for B-school. 

My Thoughts - this was geared towards those people with little experience.  One fact that the NYU rep brought up was that they don't really care for people who have PT experience... they're looking for those with Full time experience.... but anyway...  the key takeaway here was that if you cant think of any achievements and accomplishments.. then it's not time for you to go to b-school.  this is because a large percentage of your learning will come from your classmates and vice versa.  if you can't speak to anything in particular then you're not helping yourself or anyone else.
On the GMAT
Insead - The GMAT is essentially a critical reasoning exam similar to business school. You can have the quantitative skills but if you don't know how to apply it correctly, then the skills can't be helpful. In business you are given a limit amount of information and you have to make assumptions, inferences, and difficult decisions with the limited information. For this reason the exam is essentially Critical Reasoning in nature. 

My Thoughts - I have never heard the GMAT explained in this manner... it's 100% true and I couldnt agree more... again... very impressed with Insead
On Short & Long Term goals essay
NYU - Make sure that you SHOW how you've come to the conclusion of what your short term goals are - by function and by industry. Even if you're not sure... come up with something! Then SHOW how a degree from _______ program is the best option for you.
Cornell - Think about what drives you. For the first time in your adult life you're being asked "What do you want to be when you grow up?" 

My Thoughts - everyone laughed when the Cornell rep made this comment, but if you think about it... it's totally true.  After finishing college... how often have you heard this?  Luckily I have already honed in on exactly why I need to go to b-school now... and where I want to be post-mba and then even further down the road.  The tricky part comes when I have to portray this through compelling essays.

This was my favorite question the moderator asked of the panelists. These buzzwords are definitely words to think about if you're applying to any of these four schools. Communicate these adjectives by SHOWING not TELLING.
The question was - 
State three words to describe your program.

Columbia - Resilient, Passionate, Articulate
Insead - Globally minded, Passionate, Engaging
Cornell - Enthusiastic, Passion, Focus
NYU - Team Player, Communication, Analytical 

MY THOUGHTS - The reason I loved this question so much is because A.) I had never heard it before and B.) Because if I did hear it before... I wasn't ready to receive it... if that makes sense.  It just went in one ear and out the other because I didn't realize how powerful it was an how it can help me when it's time to write my essays.  Think about it... a school basically just told you what they feel are the three top qualities they look for in a candidate.  If you can take these three themes and weave them into your essays, you have a much better chance for admission.  Since I will be applying to at least 1 of these schools, I will take those qualities to heart.  MOST IMPORTANTLY - when I visit Dartmouth and Yale and any other schools... I will make sure to ask that exact question.  I'm excited for that... and just by learning that... i feel that the 2 hours spent with free cheap wine and some cheese was worth it!  

Insead - If you have an interview with alumni remember that they're thinking to themselves - "Do I want to call this person a fellow Alum?"

My Thoughts - I always knew that's what an alum would be thinking...  now it's confirmed!  ahah

That's it for tonight... I am super super tired... and I'll be honest.. this is the first night that I have not studied and I feel VERY guilty.  I'm telling myself that I can slide tonight since this weekend I will be in my apartment the whole time.  I'll make up for it.  

I'm still in 2nd...

Enjoy your evenings/days/afternoons... Seacrest OUT!

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