Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nominated for MLT!!!

Well Folks!  I’m happy to announce that I have been nominated by my school to be an MLT Fellow!!  I know I’ve mentioned MLT a bunch of times throughout the application process but I was always referring to my friends who were in MLT and not myself!  I can now say that I am a part of MLT!  WOOP WOOP!

I got the email yesterday after my first day at my new job and was very excited.  Then I realized that I had a new job and may not be able to take off the time to go to CTLS in June.  Then I called my friend (Osirus for those of you who know him) and asked what I should do.  He reitterated that attending CTLS is a great opportunity and that it would definitely work out.  I kinda knew that it would work out, but I was just 5% worried that it may not.  In the end... it did.  I let my job know today that I got this opportunity and they said it would be fine.

Now of course the next question that will be asked is - “What is MLT? and CTLS?”  Well, I can speak to MLT as I’ve learned about it through my own eyes.  I have a general sense of what it is as a larger entity, but remember - I was just nominated!  

So my friends who are in MLT now have been through the MBA Prep program.  It essentially prepares them for the MBA application process.  It’s not just some simple essay editing and a resume review.  What my friends went through is exactly what I did on my own:  Visiting schools, Essay writing and reviews and editing, Resumes edits, getting to know ADmissions officers... talking to current students and alum at soooo many different events.  Think of what I did and extrapolate that process out to about 220 other minorities.

Many of the people in that list of my friends who are going to b-school are in fact MLT fellows.  I’d say it’s about half and half according to that list.  Anyway... So yeah now that the application season is over and the new batch of MLT fellows have started, there’s a conference called CTLS that is for newly admitted students.  Like, OP where you can only attend if you are going to a Member School and applied through the Consortium, CTLS is only for MLT Fellows, but they can be going to any school.  So CTLS is the MLT equivalent of OP.

It’s from June 7th - June 11th and it’s in NYC!  They’re putting us up in a hotel and there are what they call “boot camps” everyday.  The boot camps sound like industry working sessions.  I chose the Marketing/Brand Management/Media/Entertainment related bootcamps.  We had to choose one for each of the three days.  Oh btw, we’re staying at the Sheraton.  I mean for me it’s in my backyard as I only work a couple of blocks from there haha.  It should be fun though to meet new people who are now a part of my lifelong network!  MLT!

When I found out, I texted some of my friends who are in MLT and told them and they were like “YEAHHHHHHH BUDDY..” , “OMG YAY”, “SWEET”  lol.  They kept telling me to mention to my school that I wanted to be nominated for it.  So thankfully, I made them aware back in March after my acceptance before I even sent in my deposit (i think).  Well that email paid off!
I’m going to get in front of some great recruiters and get some facetime.  I don’t believe there’s any interviewing going on, unlike at OP, where we can walk away with an internship offer, but at least CTLS will be great practice since OP is two weeks later.

CNN: Black in America 2 “Tomorrow’s Leaders” Featuring MLT

So yeah.. that’s that!  I realized that I need to buy a new suit.  ::sigh::  there’s always something!!!!


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