Wednesday, October 6, 2010

B-school Essays + Insomnia = Productivity

So because my sleep schedule is all screwed up right now, I am awake at 4am again.  The thing is... I AM getting the proper amounts of sleep.  I'm just getting the sleep at not so common times.  But this has been my MO since high school.  I feel that I should go to sleep when I am tired and not when it's "time to go to sleep."  If I'm laying in bed trying to go to sleep my brain starts racing thinking about the things that I could be getting done.  I see no reason to lay in bed for an hour and a half with my eyes closed trying to go to sleep.  Not right now when I could be getting so much done.

So needless to say over the past 2 days I have gotten about 14 hours of sleep.  So that's great 7 hours/day!  So leave me alone and let me do me!  I'm used to my sleep craziness and I've learned to work with it.  With that being said... I've been awake for a couple hours now and I did the last 20 or so Reading Comp passages in the Blue Book Verbal Guide.  I only got 4 incorrect Woop Woop!

Then I did 42 quant problems.  The last problem solving questions in the Official Guide!  Those are HARD.... I definitely need to go through those again because my hit rate was not as high as I would like it.  What's good is that when I show my tutor my error sheet he'll just be able to scan the numbers of the problems I got wrong and know which topics I need more work on.

I'm starting to get nervous about this test, but it's a good nervous.  In the past it was a nervous like "oh well... this isn't going to go so well...wonder how bad it's going to be?"  This time its a nervous like "oh you're sooo close... make sure you remember to always check your work and answer the question they are asking."

Now I'm going to work on an essay.  Gotta get it done...

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