Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Writing Cornell Essay at SMX Conference

So like I said earlier in the week, this week is incredibly hectic for me.

Sunday I had to stay up late to do work, Monday I attended the Search Marketing Expo (SMX) at the Javits center, Tuesday I attended the SMX conference, tomorrow I'll attend the SMX conference, Thursday I'll go to work then leave early to go to the NYU Diversity conference, Friday is the NYU Diversity conference all day, Saturday the Diversity conference is half the day.

Ok so really quickly, what is the search marketing expo?  

Attend SMX East and you’ll take away tactics that increase traffic to your web site, increase conversions…and sales! Choose from 60 sessions on search engine marketing topics including search engine optimization, paid search advertising and social media marketing on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

You can also go around to the booths of different vendors and they give you their pitch.  Since at my job we have our vendors already I was mostly going around putting my business card into jars for ipad giveaways!  All of the vendors get wide eyed when they see that I work for Bloomingdales.com A.) because in metro areas it's a known brand B.) We're owned by Macy's so they think that if they get us to sign with them, we'll act as a liason to Macy's.

How does this tie into my business school application?  Well today was especially intriguing because there was a session titled:  Search Engine Marketing for CMO's and those who work with them. There were a lot of great takeaways from this session.  Since one of my b-school essays is going to intertwine this message into it, I was glad to have attended.  Prior to the start of this session I was working on my Cornell essay.  Thankfully I brought my laptop today.  Yes I was THAT GUY sitting in the front of the room with the rest of the people on our laptops and coffee just typing away.  The essay topic I was working on is - "What is your greatest professional accomplishment and what value did you add to your company?"  The topic for me was easy, and I'm finding that writing it is even easier because I know the example perfectly.

With that being said, I'm done for the night.  I have to get my normal sleep schedule back because it's taking away from my studying and that's the LAST thing I want to happen right now.  It's crunch time for me so I need to be real cognizant of how much sleep I'm getting.  The most important thing for me now is to get sleep because I do better and retain more in terms of studying!  So tonight I'm sacrificing some studying so I can get back to a normal sleep schedule.  Damn...

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