I got this "genius" idea to get a little nostalgic with this process... I plan on writing another blog post later but I thought I would post this one first. It's a bit fun but I think it's funny. If you have any more just leave a comment and then I'll add them to the list. I had some help from some friends with this one.
Remember when... we used to make up questions just to have a touch point with admissions officers?
Remember when... we would look for someone on your gchat list going through the same experience so you could vent?
Remember when... you had no idea what the consortium was?
Remember when... going out was more of a task then the GMAT?
Remember when... we would stay up all night complaining about writing essays?
Remember when... the GMAT was all we cared about?
Remember when... we checked the forums minute(ly)?
Remember when... we would attend every event that our top b-school was hosting in our area.
Remember when... we would catch every grammar mistake that people made as we prepared for Sentence Correction?
Remember when... we had no social life and had to check our friends that complained about never seeing us?
Remember when... no one believed in "holistic approach?
Remember when... your friends would drunk dial you proclaiming that they weren't getting in anywhere?
Remember when... you practiced sentence correction on your iPhone sitting at my desk because I couldn't let anyone at work know I was leaving?
Remember when... CR, DS, SC, and RC meant something to you?
Remember when... you had to lug around GMAT books?
Remember when... you thought you might be stuck in this job forever?
Remember when... we didn't sleep?
Remember when... we saw each other ever weekend at a different diversity event?
Remember when... we drank to ease the anxiety of the application process?
Remember when... we all thought that the Consortium deadline was the day before it actually was?
Remember when you thought the GMAT was the only thing that mattered?Remember when... you thought that no one took supplementary math classes an that it wouldn't help?
Remember when you didn't think you would end up on a waitlist?
Remember when... you calculated the opportunity cost of buying something vs. an extra tutoring session or GMAT book?
Remember when... your friends in b-school reminded you how unenvious of you they were?
Remember when... navigating MBA fairs became a science?
Remember when... you cared about rankings?
Remember when... you were on a first name basis with the admissions officers?
Remember when... you took the GMAT so many times that you had the school codes memorized?
Remember when... YOU GOT THAT ACCEPTANCE CALL and didn't care about all of that hard work?
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