Wednesday, February 2, 2011

::Throws hands up:: OVER IT

So back in December I wrote a post about being Over It referring to the application process.  This time I'm reusing the title but I'm referring to the process as a whole!  I used to think that this part of the whole Getting In process would be the easiest and quite frankly I thought it would be the most fun.  But it's 100% the opposite.  I'm not even over the waiting portion but just all of it.  I haven't been as active on the boards as I thought I would be because I can't stomach trying to figure out what's going on in all of the admissions offices. A.)  There's nothing I can do about it and B.) see A.

I did hop onto GMATClub earlier today just to check out the Consortium forum because I know that Tuck R1 calls started going out today.  Someone made a comment about being rejected from a school that he ranked #5 on the Consortium application and he was rejected.  Then the comment that followed was "If there was any question whether schools see the rankings and make decisions off of them, this should show you that they do."  I'm paraphrasing for the purpose of explanation, but this is something that I know I've brought up before.  You can even refer to my "What is the Consortium" post and you'll see that I (and many other Consortium applicants) was under the impression that schools did not see the rankings.

Why does this upset me?  Well... I only applied to Consortium schools.  Sure there was a section in the application that asked "Did you apply to any Non-Consortium schools and if so which ones?" but I put NONE in that section because...well... I didn't apply to any others.  Maybe that's my fault and honestly, if all of the schools DO make admissions decisions based off of the rankings then I most definitely would have applied to other schools.

Why do I think it's significant that I only applied to Consortium schools?  Well... for me... I only applied to schools that I would matriculate in.  If my 5th and 6th ranked schools won't admit me for ranking them 5th and 6th, then A.) why are we allowed to apply to 6 schools?  B.) see A.  Should I be rejected from all of my schools I wonder if I would have been accepted to my 5th and 6th ranked schools had they not been able to see other schools I've applied too!  If that's the case then it's not fair at all.

I understand that I may be making a mountain out of a mole hill and that this person's comments could be the minority, but in my opinion even if it occurs for 1 person for 1 school then it's not fair.  Now, people will say "Well the whole application isn't fair" and to that I say HUSH!

I can only speak for me and say that I WOULD BE THRILLED TO GO TO ANY OF THE SCHOOLS I APPLIED TOO.  I have my reasons for ranking my Consortium schools the way I did and if that hinders me from potentially receiving a fellowship, then I understand that.  But for admissions?  Not so much....and I say not so much because that's not what was conveyed to applicants during the application process.  ::shrugs::

At this point I don't know who to all the more reason why I should not worry about it because it's out of my hands.  I've heard stories of people saying that the schools do see the rankings and other people who swear and say that schools do not see the rankings.  Either way... when you hear something like the comment above one starts to wonder and then your mind goes off on a tangent like the one I just did.

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