Monday, January 31, 2011

It's Official - Decisions Next Month!

"La Di Da Di Be Da" - Saying it like Karen Walker from Will and Grace as she saunters around Grace's office out of boredom.

That's all I can think of right now.  If you've come to read my blog today thinking that I would have had some big epiphany, sorry to disappoint you.  I have no idea what to write about tonight.  I will just babble about random stuff though.

1.  I'm not sure how long this feeling of potentially being rejected from everywhere lasts, but yes I still feel that it's a possibility.  Thank you to those of you who emailed me informing me that you too feel the same way.  That uncertainty is cruel and unusual granted it's very usual since it occurs every year.  I'm not sure if it will ever go away until March when I begin to find out from schools.  I'm trying to just get my mind off of it but it's difficult actually I'm going to say it's impossible.  It's partly my own fault though.  I've built up such a network of folks who are pre-mbas, current mba's, and alum that those are the people I talk to every day more so than my "normal" friends.  That definitely makes it tough since 2/3 groups of people I talk to are in or have been in the very position I hope to be in come August.

2.  So this week is a big week for A LOT of prospective Tuckies.  I am not in this batch of folks, but I do know someone who is.  On Friday the 4th the decisions will be released for November R1 for Tuck.  I'm going to be nervous because I want my friend's friend to get in soooo bad.  After this round there probably won't be THAT many spots left.  Not from what people have told me which is the reason why I was urged to apply earlier than I did for Tuck.  But ::shrugs::  I submitted my best application so I'm happy about that.

I don't think I applied to any other school that has an Early Decision/Action round, so this should be the only one that gets released this week.  I believe Haas, Cornell, Yale, Ross, and NYU all just have R1, R2, and R3 meaning those decisions will be released in March.  Although, I do believe that I received something from Yale that said that we should hear by February 25th - or maybe it was the 24th.  I'm not sure... It's too far away for me to think about it.  Either way I don't know if it matters because I haven't been invited to interview.  I'm not even sure if many Consortium applicants are invited to interview.  ::shrugs::

3.  I was going through my Google reader just to get an update on what was going on in the MBA world and it's all GMAT stuff!  ::sigh::  I remember those days.  I'm beginning to get emails from folks who are applying this fall to matriculate in 2012.  It's a tad bit surreal and while I'm writing my email responses I say to myself "What gives you the credibility to respond to this person?"  Then I think back to what I've been through.  While I may not have the highest stats...I think I know how to work the system.  If I get into a b-school then I'll really let out all of my secrets.  That will give me the confidence to say "Yes, Richard you know exactly what you're talking about."  But I don't think I've ever told anyone that they need to listen to what I say or do and replicate it.

If I get into business school it will be the happiest day of my life.  If not...then I'll just start making plans on how to bolster my candidacy for the next go around.  All that stuff I wrote about in my essays about Why MBA won't be null and void simply because I may not be accepted. all still hold true because the topics that I wrote about were, in themselves, true.  So yeah... if I don't get in.. I re-apply.  No big deal!

I just hate this part of the process.  It's like my life is at a standstill.  I just want to know what's going on with school so that I can continue on with my life but right now I feel like time is just standing still.   I often day dream by thinking about how life would be at any one of the 6 schools I've applied too.  I think about walking to class.... talking to classmates and professors.... happy hours..... studying for finals....being so busy during the first semester that I don't even time breathe.  I want to be there, somewhere, so bad and there's nothing I can do about it now. Lol How did I ever get through this process for college?  Was it this nerve-wracking?  Probably not... although my top 2 schools were Dartmouth and Stanford.  Maybe one day I'll tell you why I don't think I got into either of those schools. It's HILARIOUS!

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