Saturday, December 25, 2010

Nursery University

So in my spare time today in between writing essays I was perusing itunes for a movie to watch.  I stumbled upon this movie Nursery University which depicts the crazy life of a Manhattan family trying to get their child into Pre-School.  I kinda knew how much of a big deal it was but watching this Docurama opened my eyes to what they really go through, and this is just for NURSERY SCHOOL...then they have to go through the same process again for Elementary School -> Middle School -> High School.

So the movie revolved around 4 families and their toddlers (about 2-3 years old).  Oh..also these pre-schools are about $20,000 a semester and to get in requires lotteries and interviews and kissing butt and name dropping.  It's a grueling process that takes about 6 months.  Apparently, the Tuesday after Labor day is when the parents have to call all of the schools between the hours of 9-11 to REQUEST APPLICATIONS.  One would think that you could simply download and application online and send it it.  Nope Nope that's not how it's done.  You have to call and call and call to request an application.

Then you send the application in and wait to hear back that the school is interested in your child AND your family!  Yes they are screening the whole family to see if it's a fit. Sounds a lot like something I'm going through huh?

One of the program directors told one of the parents "Should you be put on the waitlist, you should call me everyday so I remember you."  Another parent gave a donation to a school.

Why all the hoopla you ask?  Well... their thinking is that if they go to one of these top private pre-schools, it will serve as a good feeder program into the top elementary schools, which feed into the top middle schools, which feeds into the top high schools, which feeds into the top colleges (mainly the ivy's).  I do think there is some truth to this.   I mean I'm not so sure about from the nursery school level, but as I look through my friends Facebook profiles, I see that a large percentage of my friends who attended Ivy League schools (or Stanford) did in fact attend top private schools or one of the New England boarding schools.

I haven't asked them where they attended nursery school, but I can see why parents would get caught up in the whole process.  It was funny watching parents write essays about their daughter and use phrases like "interpersonal skills."  I'm like... um.... she just wants that toy that you're playing with.  But you know what...I guess if you have the means, AND MANY NEW YORKERS DO, to spend $20,000 on nursery school then hey...who am I to say no?  I would do it too...

If you'd like to see the trailer here you go - Nursery University

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