Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Super Tuesday - Business School Decisions

"In the United States, Super Tuesday, in general, refers to the Tuesday in February or March of a presidential election year when the greatest number of states hold primary elections to select delegates to national conventions at which eachparty's presidential candidates are officially nominated."

Business School Super Tuesday - Clearly it was today because Harvard Business School, Yale SOM, LBS (was supposed to), Chicago, and Stanford gave out a lot of decisions!  I was watching the message boards on GMAT Club (yes the first time I've ever called out this website) and kept refreshing to see what was going on, but then after a while when things slowed down, I x'ed it out.

So I'm online talking to my friend on GCHAT around 11:50... and I ask her "so have we heard anything from J and she said "He just texted me he got into Chicago!!"  I said "got in got in or interview?"  She said "NO HE GOT IN!"  So I said "OMG OMG" and then proceeded to text him.  He said he lost his voice from screaming so much and when I picture that scene in my head I die laughing!  I'm so happy for him!  He, has been going hard through this process for about 16 months so it's great to see his hard work paying off!

So after that 11:50 debacle when I almost teared up for him, my other friend on GCHAT says HBS just released their decisions, so then there was a whole bunch of texting going on to find out which one of my friends knew people who applied.  Surprisingly, no one knew anyone who applied to HBS early.  Or we do know someone but they just aren't telling us, so maybe that's a bad sign.  ::shrugs::  But my friend on BeatTheGMAT.com, Eskimoroll, was accepted to HBS and then got the call from Booth - so congratulations on that front as well!

My whole thing is this - what do you do after you've just been accepted to HBS and Chicago?  The next day at work is it simply business as usual?  How can you possibly focus shortly after receiving such information?  I mean for instance lets say I were to have applied to HBS early decision.  On a normal tuesday night if I didn't have applications to be thinking about, I would be watching Glee.  If I was accepted to Harvard Business School 8 hours prior, is there really anything on Glee that could hold my attention?  I think I would watch The Money Chase: Inside Harvard Business School, on Hulu and keep repeating to myself "that's going to be my school!"

Then after watching The Money Chase, I would probably change the background on my laptop, then I would go shopping online for HBS apparel and buy this t-shirt: http://bit.ly/f4F6Yj and then I would probably start drinking.... but that's just me.

While I am not applying to Harvard, hopefully I'll get a sense for what an acceptance feels like in March!  However, I will not know what it feels like if I don't go study.  So....  adios!  I had to get this off my chest though.

I'm almost positive there will be some new updates tomorrow and definitely on Friday when Tuck's decisions come out.  So again I say... Good Luck to Everyone else who is waiting to hear back within the next couple of days and upcoming weeks!

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