Thursday, September 23, 2010

GMAT Number Properties = Stupid Nonsense that I'm not a fan of!

Basic my ass!!!

Don't mind me... just had a frustrating night with number properties.  What I think is the most important topic on the GMAT, because it can be tested so many different ways, is giving me the most issues... incredibly frustrating WTF.  

Here is the dialogue I have with myself as I approach each type of question (no lie):

Geometry - Sweet this is going to be fun!
Rates - Ok what rate am I looking for? it... time to solve
Algebra - make sure you don't make stupid calculation errors dumbass and be sure to check your work.
Exponents - count your blessings because you got this!
Combinations - try it out but do not spend more than a minute trying to solve it...just move on
Percents - read this shit carefully and when you think you have the answer read the question again to make sure you have what they're looking for
Variables in Choices - choose numbers and do not make calculation errors stupid ass!
Easy number properties - you can figure it out
Hard Number Properties (usually w/ primes) - Oh fuck fuck fuck I don't know how to do this.  Ugh I'm going to get it wrong and then the next question will be easier.  Why do they put this on this damn test?  When was the last time anyone ever asked you to solve something and said "Oh but I just want to know the prime number?"  Ugh I hate this shit... Fuck I wasted 45 seconds... Ok lets try to solve this... Oh shit I set it up wrong... damn it.  Oh! Let me try using numbers!  Ok so if I use 2 and 3 then the outcome is X but wait... no maybe I need to use negatives.. ok so if I use -2 and 3...Hhmm but maybe the test makers know that people are going to choose 2 and 3.. so let me try other numbers.  Fuck... now I only have 20 seconds left... Let me choose 8 and -9... hhmm yeah now I can't do all those calculations that quickly... Shit I'm over time by 10 seconds!  Let me try to think it through... Well all of the answer choices work WTF?!?  Fuck it let me just choose C and move on.... then the next question is like 1+1=2!

Oh and if the number property question is a data sufficiency question I know I'm going to get it wrong.  

Why do I feel this way right now?  Hhmm let's just say I did a set of 37 today... got 25 wrong!  'nuff said.


I am tired and have a long day tomorrow... going to sleep!  Night

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